Monday, February 6, 2017

Were You There? -- A Centurion's Story


This Good Friday dramatic presentation can help your congregation get focused on the most important time on the Christian calendar--Easter and the weeks leading up to the celebration of the Lord's resurrection. It includes six Sunday worship Lenten readings for the five Sundays leading up to Good Friday and a reading for Easter Sunday. The Lenten readings will help your congregation become familiar with characters in the play and be motivated to attend the Good Friday service. The presentation is based on the passion of Christ and the fourteen stations of the cross. It requires five actors: a Roman centurion, a narrator, Mary mother of Jesus, the woman who wiped Jesus' face, and Joseph of Arimathea. Slides, video clips, and hymns are suggested for in between the speaking parts. However, the presentation is flexible and can be adjusted to your church's preferences. Make as many copies as you need. If you would like a Word file of the presentation, please email Pastor Joe Ellis. His email is provided within the presentation.